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Film Club February 2, 2020July 9th, 2020

Film Club 13 – Fries Taillieu

photo: Robin Pailler

photo: Robin Pailler

This week’s Film Club is a collection of masterpieces from our favourite Belgian maestro Fries Taillieu.

After sending us an epic playlist for Wasted Talent FM several months back, we knew Fries would have a great selection of films on offer.

From the Coen Brothers to Keyser Söze, to arguably Jack Nicholson’s finest role, Fries’ selection is a solid reminder of some classics that should be watched and re-watched. So stick the kettle on, wash away that hangover and kick back to one of these gems. After all, it’s what Sundays are all about.

1) One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Milos Forman, 1975

An absolute 70s classic directed by Milos Forman. This movie provoked all my emotions and that is exactly what a good movie should do. Jack Nicholson’s best role to date in my opinion.

2) No Country For Old Men, Joel & Ethan Coen, 2007

Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) and his cattle gun. Lewellyn Moss’ (Josh Brolin) moustache. Tommy Lee Jones’ southern accent. Everything about this film is on point. You can feel the visceral atmosphere in your bones.

3)  The Usual Suspects, Bryan Singer, 1995

Keyser Söze! What a name and what a character and how deceiving and what an actor despite all the negative (recent) news about him. This one keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times. Best plot twist ever?

4) La Haine, Matthieu Kassovitz, 1995

Love the rawness and truth that comes with this movie. Very recognisable at times but brutal as well. The rough life in the Parisian banlieues is depicted perfectly. Real good acting from Vince, Hubert and Said.

5)  The Truman Show, Peter Weir, 1998

In times of reality TV… Need i say more? Best acting performance by Mr. Carrey ever, period.


6) The Seventh Seal, Ingmar Bergman, 1957

A masterpiece.

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